Detroit Free Press Favorite


This site was created in 1999 and moved to this server in May 19, 2000.

This site holds a collection of genealogy transcriptions and records to help Michigan Family researchers. Our main concern is get data on the internet. We do transcriptions to put online and many people have helped by transcribing and donating data to this site. In putting this site together we hope to make files available in different formats that are not available for one reason or another on the other sites that we have created. An internet tie up someplace, a server being down, etc. and eventually new format that may be easier to navigate for visitors. New files are being added continuously so make sure you stop by often. The files here are free for you to look through, as long as you understand that they are under copyright protection by the person who did the work to get them formatted to go online and cannot be copied for commercial purposes.

Michigan Family History Network

Thank you for stopping by and we hope you find something you can use in your family research.

Donna Hoff-Grambau and Patricia Wazny Hamp

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