Detroit Free Press Favorite

MIFamilyHistory Financial Support

Thank you to all who have used the products advertised through this site and kept the server paid for so data can continue to be viewed by researchers free of charges!

If you have found this site useful and would like to contribute financially to it's upkeep, and getting more data online please consider donating using the PayPal button at the bottom of the page.

In order to keep the server space paid for and continue to add new material, we put banner ads on the site. That way, you have a choice of using them or ignoring them. If you click on them and use the advertiser's products we get paid a small finders fee. The funds from these ads have paid for the server space most years. The data has been donated by ourselves and others, and programming tools and equipment costs have been donated by ourselves. If you want to keep the records on this site free and use any of the products you see advertised on this site, please consider clicking on an ad on this site to buy that product.


 Pat and Donna