Detroit Free Press Favorite

Officers of the 339th Infantry - Polar Bear Regiment

With the CMTC At Camp Custer, August 10th to 23rd, 1924

Page 204-205 Preparedness Volume IV Sixth Corps Area, Camp Custer Michigan. Prepared by  the Men of the Citizen's Military Training Camp 1924 Published by the Military Training Camps Association of the United States. CMTC=Citizen's Military Training Camp

This regiment has a unique history, having represented the infantry in the North Russia campaign in the World War, from which service it acquired the name, “The Polar Bear Regiment”. The officer personnel of this regiment comes entirely from the city of Detroit, and in case of war the enlisted personnel would he drawn from the same locality.

The officers of the regiment are nearly all active in business in the thriving automobile center and take great interest in the organized reserves and the CMTC. They are also proud of the “Polar Bear Regiment” and of its traditions, which they are all glad to help maintain.

Captain D. A. Stroh of the regular army has been detailed as executive officer of the regiment and as such carried out during the summer a very intelligent program through which the officers of the 339th Infantry refreshed their knowledge of the fundamentals of military training and acquired some knowledge of the new methods of giving instruction to recruits and members of the CMTC.

The officers were put through an intensive training during the first week of their stay with the CMTC and then were given an opport­unity for the application of their knowledge by putting them actually in commands commensurate with their rank in CMTC organizations. The officers displayed a keen interest in the work and were in excellent spirits throughout. On their last day in camp they commanded one of the three regiments of CMTC students in review with the regulars. Major General Helmick received this review.

They are all most enthusiastic regarding the instructor personnel and the regular army contingent who are responsible for the training and operation of the camp and feel that with such interest and untiring efforts on the part of the commanding officer and staff, the CMTC will not only survive but will grow. In fact many of the 339th Infantry officers will undoubtedly volunteer next year when the call comes for as­sistance during the training period.

The entire movement has their heartiest approval and support.


List of Men

Prepared and copyright © 2002 all rights reserved Patricia Hamp