August Commencement





Central Michigan Normal School

Mt. Pleasant, Michigan



Friday Morning, August Seventh

Nine o’clock





                             March                                                                   Orchestra


                             Invocation                                                             Rev. W. F. Ledford


                             Violin Solo: Nocturen                                            Chopin


                             Commencement Address:  “The Opportunity of the Educated Citizen:

                                      President W. O. Thompson  Ohio State University


                             Mixed Quartette:


                                      (a)   Marianina                                             Italian Folk Song


                                      (b)   Under the Silver Stars                            Cuban Tune


                                                Miss Gow                    Mr. Benford

                                                            Miss Sisson                   Mr. Wightman


                             Presentation of Diplomas and Certificates               Pres. E. C. Warriner


                             America                                                                 Audience


                             Benediction                                                           Rev. W. F. Ledford



Central Michigan Normal School


Graduates August 7, 1925


Bachelor of Arts


                                    Emery A. Albee                                                            Gladys Evelyn Kirschbaum

                                    Stanley Anderson                                                         R. Lucy Kirschbaum

                                    Lorna Caroline Bliss                                                     Sr. Mary Urban Klees, O.S.D.

                                    Elias Meier Brill                                                           Sr. Rose Marie McAllister, O.S.D.

                                    Charles F. Brown                                                         Sr. M. Roberta Nickle, O.S.D.

                                    Arthur R. Crawford                                                     *Gertrude Mary O’Brien

                                    F. Dean Devidson                                                        M. Marie Olsen

                                    Verna Frances Deline                                                    Otto H. Olsen

                                    H. Britton Gibbs                                                         Thelma R. Strahan

                                    Sr. M. Irene Hekker, O.S.D.                                        Leslie John Whale

                                    Sr. M. Emeline Hessmann, O.S.D.                               Don Wilbur


General Life Certificates


                                    Norma E. Aldridge                                                       Sr. Mary Lucina Dennert, O.S.d.

                                    Margaret Ann Alexander                                               Alice E. Digby

                                    Leonard Allen                                                               Mary Ruth Edgar

                                    Marie Allen                                                                  Calvin Ennes

                                    Ida Janet Allworth                                                        Sr. Mary Aurelia Fedewa, O.S.D.

                                    Sr. Frances Clare Alvesteffer, O.S.D.                             H. C. Fischer

                                    *Sr. Mary Alicia Andres, O.S.D.                                   Sr. Mary Edmund Flohe, O.S.D.

                                    Sr. Mary Corona Andres, O.S.D.                                  Sr. Mary Pius Flohe, O.S.D.

                                    Sr. M. Regina Andres, O.S.D.                                       Mabel L. Ford

                                    Sr. Mary Eulalia Aure, O.S.D.                                      Sr. Mary Henrika Frans

                                                Leo L. Bailey                                                                Louise M. Gainard

                                    L. Cresse Barner                                                            G. Lynn Garrett

                                    Minnie Barrington                                                        *Sr. M. Genevieve Gauthier, O.S.D.

                                    Carl V. Bates                                                                Delpha M. Gilliland

                                    Elsie Beach                                                                   Mary E. Gorr

                                    Celia L. Bebout                                                            Sr. Mary Gerald Grace, O.S.D.

                                    Susie B. Bogert                                                             Stella Harper

                                    Maude E. Brandt                                                          Lewis H. Hodges

                                    Sarah E. Brooks                                                            Lillian M. Holcomb

                                    Florence Bayliss Brown                                                 Earl G. Jewett

                                    *Gertrude Baker Burgess                                               * Jean Dykes Judge

                                    Jean McIntyre Burkett                                                   Sr. M. Esther Juskaitis, O.S.D.

                                    Chris Jay Christensen                                                    Iva E. Kennicott

                                    *Harry Raymond Cooper                                              Mary Kline

                                    Olive W. Crane                                                            Susie Lallea

                                    Erma Margaret Craven                                                  Sr. Mary A. Lalonde, O.S.D.

                                    Grace Inez Crouch                                                        Ruth Jennings Langston

                                    Lucy A. Cull                                                                Marjorie Lansing

                                    Roy Elsler Culver                                                         Ruth Della Latimer

                                    Sr. Mary Constantia Davidson, O.S.D.                         Zelma Faye Letson

                                    Esther Melvina Lindstrom                                            Sr. Catherine Marie Roberts, O.S.D.

                                    Josephine Litchfield                                                      Katherine E. Roberts

                                    Edna Rose McClausey                                                  *Flora Elizabeth Robertson

                                    Sr. Celestine McCue, O.S.D.                                        Edna Leavitt Ruhstorfer

                                    Mildred Irene Madill                                                    Sr. Frances Rahael Ryan, O.S.D.

                                    Sr. Mary Domitilla Mahoney, O.S.D.                           Ruth Sageman

                                    Loretta C. Maloney                                                      Alma Caroline Satow

                                    Ione Martz                                                                   Anna Born Scott

                                    Sadie E. Mason                                                             Marie Seidelman

                                    Nora E. Mast                                                                * Ronald B. Smith

                                    Albert Lawrence Mavis                                                  Vera Sommerfeldt

                                    Sr. M. Madeleine Mier, O.S.D.                                     Bernice Gertrude Struble

                                    Sr. Mary Helen Moans, O.S.D.                                     Sr. M. Edward Aloysius Theisen, O.S.D.

                                    Sr. Mary Helena Morio, O.S.D.                                    Reatha Ione Thomas

                                    Donald S. Morton                                                        Mrs. Clara A. Treber

                                    Harriet E. Morton                                                        Lottie Mae Van Horn

                                    Percy E. Munson                                                          Mertie Ruegsegger Vaughan

                                    Marie Nellet                                                                 *Elizabeth A. Vermette

                                    Sr. Mary Zita Pantus, O.S.D.                                       Margaret Vance Viele

                                    *Mable Stowell Pickard                                                 Sr. M. DeLellis Wagner, O.S.D.

                                    Alice Pobanz                                                                Mary Walsh

                                    Sr. Mary Rosella Poirier, O.S.D.                                   Mrs. Maud Ward

                                    Sr. Mary Dolorita Poweres, O.S.D.                               Berniece A. Webb

                                    Glaydes Quackenbush                                                   Mathilde Doner Williams

                                    Lucille Rankin                                                              Winifred E. Wilson

                                    Sr. M. Vincent Ferrer Rasch, O.S.D.                             Sr. Mary Emmerica Ziegler, O.S.D.

                                    Sr. M. Romana Reamer, O.S.D.                                    Sr. M. Marguerite Zuker, O.S.D.

                                    Sr. M. Olivia Robach, O.S.D.




Special Life Certificates

                                    Agriculture and Allied Science                                      Home Economics

                                                William Henry Van Petten                                            Rennetta G. Jordell


                                    Commerce                                                                    Kindergarten-Primary

                                    Lois J. Benkelman                                                         Gladys Loraine Phillipo

                                    Lillian Ferris                                                                 Ruth Randall

                                    Glen Albert Hillsamer

                                    Ella L. McCall                                                              Music

                                    L. Merton Wilson                                                        Josephine G. Mitchell




Limited Certificates

                                    Fannie A. Anderson                                                      Leola M. Closson

                                    Doris M. Barley                                                            Mrs. Katharine Clymer

                                    Beulah M. Beamish                                                       Agnes M. Cotter

                                    Bernice E. Bellows                                                        Mabel Cross

                                    Evelyn Mae Blight                                                        Clarice E. Curtiss

                                    Helen Blucher                                                               Janet M. Dieterman

                                    Julia Lucile Braman                                                       Mabel E. Dieterman

                                    Violet C. Bush                                                              Dora M. Docter

                                    George E. Carpenter                                                     Bernice R. Echlin

                                    Helen Lucille Carr                                                        Doris L. Eitelbuss

                                    Ethel M. Clark                                                             Edna C. Fiting

                                    Teresa T. Gabier                                                           Margaret McCall

                                    Cassie D. Gibson                                                          *Dorothy MacDonald

                                    Bertha Doris Gotham                                                   Erva L. McCarty

                                    Minnie Selma Grein                                                     Marie A. Nemecek

                                    *Lilllie La Fern Haenke                                                 Bessie Ziegler Odell

                                    Sophie Marie Hansen                                                    Florence E. Peteres

                                    Anna M. Hase                                                              Lee H. Phillips

                                    Esther Hegler                                                                Lottie A. Rice

                                    Howard A. Houghton                                                  Wilma Lorene Shannon

                                    Mary Elizabeth Hutchinson                                          Madge Miriam Smith

                                    E. Louise Johnson                                                        Wilma Elizabeth Snyder

                                    Velma Johnston                                                            Irene Marion Stevens

                                    Amelia Elizabeth Kiesel                                                 Martha O. Stickel

                                    Bernice Fae Kinney                                                       *Carrie Trombley

                                    Luella Kirchmeyer                                                         Dorothy D. Tupper

                                    Mary Klimmek                                                             Beatrice W. Valade

                                    Margaret J. Kohn                                                          Thelma Joyce VanAlstine

                                    Ivah Belle Latimer                                                         Beatrice Marie Walker

                                    Bion A. Lane                                                                Nina A. Wilson

                                    Althea L. Lepley                                                           Lois C. Young

                                    Orabelle Lounsberry



Elementary Rural Certificates


                                    Isabel Mae Bolt                                                             Mary Thurza Vance

                                    Laura Edith Prout                                                        Vila Margaret Vance

                                    Leabelle Shaw                                                               Ross Wagner




                                                                                                                                                                                                                        *Honorable mention for scholarship                                                                              194



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