Detroit Free Press Favorite

Michigan Family History Network

Data For Every County in Michigan!

We're Moving to a New Domain!

We want to thank all our visitors for their support over the years. We're excited to share that we've moved to a new site,, where we'll continue to provide valuable resources. Our new focus will be on offering comprehensive people search services to help you find information on individuals across the U.S. We hope you'll join us there!

Surf the new site! Click On Arrows to the left on the Menu to get to the county or set of records you are interested in. When there are no arrows to click on click on the title and go to that data. We finally realized through this all just how much data there is on the site and that every county does have here.

The Michigan Family History Network was created in 1999 to house data that we had and wanted to share with other researchers. After trying a few of the free servers, and not being satisfied with the security, or what programming we could use that would make the site easier to build, we decided to pay for our own server space. This has allowed us to put more data up quickly instead of slogging through coding to present the data in large sets of records such as the Civil War data, and the School Record projects on thousands of small pages.

Behind the Scenes

Check out the new data and updates we are doing on the site on the right hand side of the screen.

Behind the scenes we are focusing on the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War by adding new data to the site about your and my ancestors who fought in this war and lived here in Michigan. At present the 1888 Post Office Addresses are being typed. This was actually another census done by the Adjutant General of Michigan. We haven't found much information as to why this census was done, but it will be worth a look when done.

Prep work has started to database the Michigan Civil War Bounty Records.


Proud Member of the Michigan Genealogical Council
Michigan Genealogical Council